My Garage Door Won’t Close!

The advent of technology has allowed for many wonderful technologies to simplified all of our lives. The garage door opener is a perfect example of this. Openers allow us to simply press a button to allow the garage door to close and open. When you find yourself agitated because your opener has stopped working. Take a moment to think about all the wonderful technology that went into your garage door opener for it to function.

What could have gone wrong?

There are a number of things that could go wrong with your garage door opener so here’s a few items you can check to make sure your garage door opener is still working properly and doesn’t require a replacement.

  • Check to make sure you have power running to the opener. This is a common issue in some homes where your breaker switch might have just flipped off. Checking to make sure everything is running then check the next item.
  • Check your garage door sensors. There are a pair of sensors installed in all garage door opener systems as of 1993. They are there for your safety and sometimes just lining up the garage door sensors will fix the issue. If not this then continue.
  • With a ladder and screw driver check the back of your opener for a release. Most opener will have a way to at least allow you to close your garage door just for such an emergency.

While doing what we have mentioned will allow you to close your garage door. It does not guarantee that your opener will work after. Be sure to give us a call if you would like a professional certified technician to take a look and give you a hand. We have a $19 dollar service fee that gets applied to the repairs. Give us a call today! You won’t be disappointed.